FEM of J-integral

(a) J-integral defined on a path C    (b) G-theta integral
G-theta integral [2.8.4, Bu04] equals $R_{\Omega }(u,e_1\beta )$ \begin{equation} R_{\Omega }(u,e_1\beta ) =\int _A\left ( \sigma _{ij}\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_1}\frac{\partial \beta }{\partial x_j}-\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )\frac{\partial \beta }{\partial x_1}\right ) ds \tag{3.A1} \end{equation} which has been independently given in [Oh81, D-D81, Lo82]. Here $\beta $ is a cut-off function near the crack tip, that is, $\beta (x)=1$ at $x$ near the crack tip $\gamma _{\Sigma }$, and $\beta (x)=0$ at $x, |x-\gamma _{\Sigma }|\ge \delta $ with a positive number $\delta \gt 0$ (see (b) above figure). In order for $R_{\Omega }(u,e_1\beta ) \lt \infty $, it is sufficient if $\beta \in W^{1,\infty }(\mathbb{R}^2)$. In $A(C)$, using the divergence formula \begin{equation} \int _{A(C)}\frac{\partial }{\partial x_1}\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )dx =\int _C \widehat{W}(\varepsilon )n_1 ds \tag{3.A2} \end{equation} Alos $\partial \widehat{W}(\varepsilon )/\partial x_1=\sigma _{ij}\partial _j(\partial _1 u_i)$ leads \begin{eqnarray} \int _{A(C)}\frac{\partial }{\partial x_1}\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )dx &=&\int _C\sigma _{ij}n_j\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_1}ds -\int _{A(C)}\frac{\partial }{\partial x_j}\sigma _{ij}\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_1}dx\tag{3.A3} \end{eqnarray} If $-\partial _i \sigma _{ij}=0$ (body force is zero) near $\gamma _{\Sigma }$, then the difference between the right-hand sides of (3.A2) and (3.A3) must be zero, that is the definition of J-integral in [Ri68].
Here we notice that $\int _{A(C)}\partial \widehat{W}(\varepsilon )/\partial x_1~dx=\infty $. So that (3.A2) and (3.A3) does not hold near the crack tip,
Triangulation of the domain $(-1,1)^2\setminus \Sigma $ and the path $C$ and the trinangles $T_i,T_j$ near $L_{ij}\subset C$    The crack is approximated by a narrow notch.
By the trace theorem, $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{L_{ij}}\in L^2(L_{ij})$, since $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{T_i}\in H^2(T_i)$ (also in $T_j$). Here $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{L_{ij}}(x), x\in \Gamma _{ij}$ is defined by the limit of $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{L_{ij}}(\xi _n), T_i\ni \xi _n→x$ as $n→\infty $ (called trace of $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{T_i}$ onto $L_{ij}$). However, even with a Lagrange finite element of a higher degree, It cannot be expected to be $\|u-u_h \|_{s,T_i}∼0, s \gt 3/2$ for a FE-approximation of of $u$ (see e.g., [Coro.3.29, E-G04]). Theoretically, it is difficult to improve the accuracy of J-integral calculations with FE- approximations. Moreover, we must notice that $\widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{A(C)}\not \in H^{1/2}(A(C)\setminus \Sigma ), \widehat{W}(\varepsilon )|_{A(C)}\in H^{1/2-\epsilon }(A(C)\setminus \Sigma ), ∀\epsilon \gt 0$. This implies that there is not a constant $\alpha $ such that $$ \|\sigma _{ij}\|_{L^2(C)} \le \alpha \|\sigma _{ij} \|_{H^s(A(C)\setminus \Sigma )},~~s=1/2-\epsilon , \epsilon \gt 0$$ and therefore FE-calculation of J-integral would be unstable as $C$ close to the crack tip. The G-theta integral $R(u,e_1\beta )$, which is equal to the J-integral, relates $L^{\infty }$-norm of $\nabla \beta $ in the error estimation (3.27), There is a paper [Li85] comparing J^integral and G-theta integral $R_{\Omega _{\Sigma }}(u_h,\beta e_1)$, but no clear difference was seen.

When J-integral depend on path

When the body force $f\neq 0$ at the crack tip, the J-integral is not path independent and must be $\lim _{C→0}J_C$, but with the GJ-integral, the following holds even if $f\neq 0$ \begin{eqnarray*} R_{\omega }(u,\mu ) &=&-\int _{\omega \cap \Omega }\left \{ \frac{1}{2}(\mu \cdot \nabla C_{ijkl})e_{kl}(u)e_{ij}(u)+f_{i}(\nabla u_{i}\cdot \mu )\right . \\ &&-\left . \sigma _{ij}(u)\partial _{j}\mu _{k}\partial _{k}u_{i}+ \frac{1}{2}\sigma _{ij}(u)e_{ij}(u)\textrm{div}\mu \right \} dx \end{eqnarray*} Or we can use the relation \begin{eqnarray*} \mathcal{G}(u,f,\Sigma (\cdot ))&:=&J_C+R_{A(C)}(u,e_1)\\ R_{A(C) }(u,e_1 ) &=&-\int _{A(C)\setminus \Sigma }\left \{ \frac{1}{2} (\partial _1C_{ijkl})e_{kl}e_{ij}+f_{i}(\partial _1 u_{i})\right \} dx \end{eqnarray*}



PDEs have been developed with the aim of understanding natural phenomena. Until 2000, there was a large gap between theoretical research on mathematical models and numerical simulation. FreeFEM , which has been developed by F. Hecht, led by O. Pironneau at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions , is considered to bridging the gap between theory and computation. Hereafter, from this point of view, concrete FE-calculations are shown using FreeFEM.


FreeFEM Examples

The polygonal domain shown in the example
/* ---------- Points $\gamma _1...\gamma _8$ ---------- */
real[int] px=[   8, 0,5.5,0,   8,17,  19,13.5]; 
real[int] py=[13.2,12,5.8,1,0.53, 0,10.5,  14]; 
/* ---------- Define boundary $\Gamma _1...\Gamma _8$---------- */
border Gm1(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[0]+t*px[1];y=(1-t)*py[0]+t*py[1];} 
border Gm2(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[1]+t*px[2];y=(1-t)*py[1]+t*py[2];} 
border Gm3(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[2]+t*px[3];y=(1-t)*py[2]+t*py[3];} 
border Gm4(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[3]+t*px[4];y=(1-t)*py[3]+t*py[4];} 
border Gm5(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[4]+t*px[5];y=(1-t)*py[4]+t*py[5];} 
border Gm6(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[5]+t*px[6];y=(1-t)*py[5]+t*py[6];} 
border Gm7(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[6]+t*px[7];y=(1-t)*py[6]+t*py[7];} 
border Gm8(t=0,1){x=(1-t)*px[7]+t*px[0];y=(1-t)*py[7]+t*py[0];} 

real mh = 5; /* Number of mesh divisions */ 
mesh Th = buildmesh(Gm1(mh)+Gm2(mh)+Gm3(mh)+Gm4(mh)+Gm5(mh) 
Connecting the points (px[i],py[i]) and (px[i+1],py[i+1]) and dividing $mh$, the enclosed area is automatically triangulated.
The triangulation of the polygonal domain

Poisson problem with Dirichlet boundary condition

Now we calculate Poisson Problem: $-\Delta u=f$ in $\Omega $ with the Dirichlet boundary condition. Redefine the boundary with boundary conditions.
/* ---------- Define boundary ---------- */ 
int bcD=2, bcN=3; //To give boundary conditions 
func real cnt(real[int] p, int i, real t) { 
	int j = ((i+1)>7) ? 0 : i+1; 
	return (1-t)*p[i]+t*p[j]; 
border Gm1(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,0,t);y=cnt(py,0,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm2(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,1,t);y=cnt(py,1,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm3(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,2,t);y=cnt(py,2,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm4(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,3,t);y=cnt(py,3,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm5(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,4,t);y=cnt(py,4,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm6(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,5,t);y=cnt(py,5,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm7(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,6,t);y=cnt(py,6,t);label=bcD;} 
border Gm8(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,7,t);y=cnt(py,7,t);label=bcD;} 

real mh = 5; /* Number of mesh divisions */ 
mesh Th = buildmesh(Gm1(mh)+Gm2(mh)+Gm3(mh)+Gm4(mh)+Gm5(mh) 
Now, we define FE-space with P1-elements, and create the FE-approximation $u_h$ and test function $v_h$
/* Define FE-space with P1-element */ 
fespace Vh(Th,P1); 
Vh u,v; /* FE-solution and Test function */ 
Next, the variational form \begin{eqnarray*} \textrm{Poisson}(u_h,v_h):&&\int _{\Omega }\left (\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial x}\frac{\partial v_h}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial y}\frac{\partial v_h}{\partial y}\right ) dx-\int _{\Omega }f_vh dx=0\\ &&\textrm{with }u_h=0~~~\textrm{on }\Gamma _i~~\textrm{labelled bcD} \end{eqnarray*} of the Poisson problem is created as follows.
func f = 1; // f(x,y)=1 

problem Poisson(u,v) = 
        int2d(Th)( dx(u)*dx(v) + dy(u)*dy(v)) 
        - int2d(Th)( f*v ) 
        + on(bcD,u=0); 
At this point, approximate solution $u_h$ is not computed. When computing simultaneously, solve is used instead of problem . However, if solve is used, the variational form Poisson cannot be re-used. Finally, the variational form Poisson is solved and the iso-lines (contours) are plotted.
Poisson; // Solve the Poisson 
plot(u,value=true,wait=1); // Iso value of u 
The iso-lines of Poisson Problem with Dirichlet boundary condition



Poisson problem with Mixed boundary condition

Now solve the mixed boundary given in example . It can be solved by simply changing the labels on the boundaries.
border Gm5(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,4,t);y=cnt(py,4,t);label=bcN;} 
border Gm6(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,5,t);y=cnt(py,5,t);label=bcN;} 
border Gm7(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,6,t);y=cnt(py,6,t);label=bcN;} 
border Gm8(t=0,1) { x=cnt(px,7,t);y=cnt(py,7,t);label=bcN;} 
The iso-lines of Poisson Problem with Mixed boundary condition
FE-solutions are mesh-dependent, so adaptmesh is used to improve obtained $u_h$. Now, we add the following.
Th = adaptmesh(Th,u); 
Poisson; // Solve the Poisson 
plot(u,nbiso=40,wait=1); // Iso value of u 
The mesh and iso-lines after using adaptmesh
Repeated use of adaptmesh can create more suitable meshes.
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { 
  Th = adaptmesh(Th,u); 
  Poisson; // Solve the Poisson 
plot(u,nbiso=40,wait=1); // Iso value of u 
After repeated adaptmesh, the mesh and the iso-line


Energy sensitivity at singular point

There are strong singular points $\gamma _4, \gamma _8$ and weak singular point $\gamma _3$. In general, energy has no sensitivity in the tangential direction of the boundary[Th.2.27, Sok92], but in mixed boundary problems there is a sensitive in the tangential direction at junctions $\{\gamma _4,\gamma _8\}$. We now measure the shape sensitivity at $\gamma _8, p_2=(11,13.63), p_1=(5,12.74)\in \Gamma _8$ using $$ R_{\Omega }(u,\tau (\gamma _8)\beta (\gamma _8)), R_{\Omega }(u,\tau (\gamma _8)\beta (p_i)), i=1,2$$ where $\tau $ is the tangential vector and $\beta (p), p\in \Gamma _8$ at cut-off function near $p$ (see Theorem Poisson with mixed boundary ). Here $\tau (\gamma _8)∼-(0.989,0.146)$. From Corollary 2.9 , we have \begin{eqnarray*} \left .\frac{d}{dt}\mathcal{E}(u(t);f,\Omega (t))\right |_{t=0} &=&-R_{\Omega }(u(t),\mu _{\varphi })-\int _{\partial \Omega }fu(n\cdot \mu _{\varphi })\\ &&~~\mu _\varphi =d\varphi _t/dt|_{t=0} \end{eqnarray*} Now introduce the cut-off function $\textrm{be}(x_1,x_2,c_1,c_2,r)$ such as $$ \textrm{be}=1~\textrm{if }rr \lt r^2;=0~\textrm{if }rr \gt 4r^2; =2-\sqrt{rr}~\textrm{if }r^2 \lt rr \lt 4r^2$$ where $rr=|x_1-c_1|^2+|x_2-c_|^2$. By the mapping $\varphi _t(x)=x+t\tau (\gamma _8)\beta _1(x)$, $\beta _1=\textrm{be}(x_1,x_2,8,13.2,1)$, $\varphi _t(\Omega )=\Omega $ but $\varphi _t(\Gamma _8)\neq \Gamma _8$. Using the cut-off functions $\beta _1=\textrm{be}(x_1,x_2,8,13.2,1)$, the mapping $\varphi _t(x)=x+t\tau (\gamma _8)\beta _1(x)$, and then from Theorem Poisson Mixed boundary $$ \left .\frac{d}{dt}\mathcal{E}(u(t);f,\Omega )\right |_{t=0} =R(u,\tau (\gamma _8)\beta _1)=\frac{\pi }{8}K(\gamma _8)^2 \gt 0$$ To calculate $R(u,\mu \beta )$. we prepare the following function $$ \textrm{Rin}(v,\beta ,\mu _1,\mu _2):= -f(\nabla u\cdot (\beta \mu ))+\nabla u\cdot \nabla (\beta \mu _k)\partial _k u-0.5|\nabla u |^2\textrm{div }(\beta \mu )$$ In FreeFEM, the functions be and Rin are implemented using func and macro .
func real be(real xx, real yy, real cx, real cy, real r) { 
	real rr = (xx-cx)^2+(yy-cy)^2; 
	if (rr< r^2) return 1; 
	else i f (rr > 4*r^2) return 0; 
	else return 2-sqrt(rr); 

macro Rin(uu,cut,Xx,Xy) ( -f*(Xx*dx(uu)+Xy*dy(uu))*cut 
    + ((cut*dx(Xx)+dx(cut)*Xx)*dx(uu) 
    +  (cut*dy(Xx)+dy(cut)*Xx)*dy(uu))*dx(uu) 
    + ((dx(cut)*Xy+cut*dx(Xy))*dx(uu) 
    - 0.5*(dx(uu)*dx(uu)+dy(uu)*dy(uu)) 
            *(dx(cut)*Xx+dy(cut)*Xy+cut*(dx(Xx)+dy(Xy))) ) // 
and $\beta _1,\beta _2,\beta _3$ are created as follows
Vh beta = be(x,y,8,13.2,1); 
Vh beta2 = be(x,y,5,12.74,1); 
Vh beta3 = be(x,y,11,13.63,1); 
iso-line of FE-approximations beta,beta2,beta3 of $\beta _1, \beta _2,\beta _3$
After calculating Poisson Problem Poisson, $R_{\Omega }(u,\beta _i\tau (\gamma _8)), i=1,2,3$ are calculated and showed as follows
Poisson; // Solve the Poisson 
real Rint = int2d(Th)(Rin(u,beta,Xx,Xy)); 
real Rint2 = int2d(Th)(Rin(u,beta2,Xx,Xy)); 
real Rint3 = int2d(Th)(Rin(u,beta3,Xx,Xy)); 
cout <<"R-integral=" << Rint << ", @(5.12.74) " << Rint2 
                     <<", @(10,13.48) "<< Rint3 << endl; 
The results are as follows
R-integral=318.863, @(5.12.74) 0.675089, @(10,13.48) 0.757448 
After adaptation of mesh using adaptmesh , we obtain
R-integral=325.187, @(5.12.74) 0.222543, @(10,13.48) -0.379611 
By numerical calculation, we have that sensitivity exist at $\gamma _8$ in the tangential direction, but no sensitivity at $p_1,p_2$ in the tangential direction because $\varphi _t(\Gamma _1)=\Gamma _1$ if $\varphi _t(x)=x+t\beta _2\tau (\gamma _8)$, $\varphi _t(\Gamma _8)=\Gamma _8$ if $\varphi _t(x)=x+t\beta _3\tau (\gamma _8)$.


2022/9/27   by Kohji Ohtsuka