Mathematical resources are available on the Internet that can be useful for advanced research on variational problems and SoptS.

Math. Resources

Open Access

*Project Euclid
*AMS open
* suport Cornell Univ.
    How to submit

Support for research (commercial basis)


Mathematical engine

  • Wolfram Mathematica
    a software system with built-in libraries for several areas of technical computing that allow machine learning, statistics, symbolic computation, data manipulation, etc.
  • Wolfram|Alpha  Computational Intelligence
  • Maple
    Maple is software with the world's most powerful mathematical engine. Its superior interface makes it easy to analyse, investigate, visualise and solve mathematical problems.
  • MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks
  • FreeFEM try it online

Web sites

Information about the page: The current position is non-black filled circle in the diagram below. Orange is a duplicate for public use.
