The page is the Interface to the Algebra in private.
Linear Algebra
Research requires linear algebra, and there are many good textbooks in Japanese. The English books I have are
- Computer solutions of linear algebraic systems by Forsythe, George E. (George Elmer), 1917-; Moler, Cleve B.
- Linear algebra and its applications (Japanese translation) by Gilbert Strang, Academic Press, 1976
The following Formula Manipulation System are used as a collection of algebraic formulas.
- Mathematica
- can do many algebraic calculations such as factoring, expanding expressions, solving equations and matrix calculations. However, the results are long, so simplification of calculated result is needed. A mathematical background is still necessary. Mathematica's own language is used for calculations, but recently mathematical input has been made possible. Wolfram .
- Maple
- is the built-in formula processor in TeX's WYSIWYG editor Scientific WorkPlace (closed on 30 June 2021), Maple may be a good partner for TeX. Its symbolic computing power is comparable to Mathematica. Maplesoft .
Information about the page: The current position is non-black filled circle circle in the diagram below. Blue is the Algebra in private and orange is a duplicate for public use, where dashed line means the intrface to the Algebra in private.